
Monday, September 5, 2022

My Limerick

 In class, I have been doing my own limerick. 

Explain what a limerick is. A limerick is a poem that has up to five lines and the first, second and the last lines rhyme with each other. The third and fourth are a different rhyme, AABBA. 

AND and share examples of one written independently or collaboratively.

I know a boy called Che 

He thought he was a eashy

He looked a bit like a fool

But he was actually VERY cool

That’s the boy I know called Che

Here is an example poem we look at in class…

Apostle Paul 

I once was a man named Saul.

I thought I knew it all.

I persecuted the church.

I went to Damascus to search.

Where Jesus transformed me into Paul.

I had lost my sight

All I could see was night.

I heard Jesus’s voice.

I made Him my choice.

Praise the Lord, I saw the Light.

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