
Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Lucas Hot Task

 In class, we have done a cold task and then a hot task to try to improve our writing.


Write a narrative, this could be a story you make up or a whanau story you retell. 

Name: Lucas                       

Orientation (setting/characters

When I and my family went to Auckland 

When we got to Snowplanet I and my sister went in and got our stuff on like a helmet and boots on. Then we went in and then we got to the top we slid down VERY FAST down the hill on a donut and then we did it over and over again. After 2 hours we were finished, the next day we went to rainbow’s end my dad dropped us off at the entry and then drove around for like 10 min. When my dad got back we enter the shop so we could go in.

Main event

The first ride we went on was the status fear, it was fun but SCARY! at the same time. We went round and round, we screamed our heads off louder than we thought. When we got off we felt sick.“Shall we go on the FEAR FALL! said My sister.


“The fear fall” he replied yes. So we lined up and waited for like 15 mins until it was time